WOW: The divine light of knowledge

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I am sure these photographs remind you of Diwali. It’s been more than 2 months since we have celebrated ‘The Festival of Lights’. When I ask people, what is the first thing that comes into their mind when they think of Diwali? Some say lights. Some say fireworks. Others say sweets and lot more.

If you ask the question to me, I would say lights. Whenever I look around and spot a lamp, I feel it’s removing the darkness. It’s not an ordinary light but its the divine light of Diwali. The divine light is removing darkness from our lives. It is spreading happiness. The light tells us that it’s a new beginning – forget the past and take a step forward. It’s a New Year – A new beginning. The diving light is erasing all kinds of pains from our lives.


You must have heard the following sloka:

Tamaso Ma JyotirGamaya


It’s a Sanskrit sloka present in the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad. It means, “Lead me from the darkness of ignorance to the light of knowledge.” Whenever I see any lamp, this sloka comes into my mind.

I am ending this week’s prompt with a prayer from my heart…May the Lord remove all kinds of darkness from our lives. Let there be no darkness.

Hope you have enjoyed my photo story.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.


  1. ‘Tamaso Ma JyotirGamaya’- Let everyone life filled with all the happiness, knowledge, courage and confidence to lead great life. Very enlightening post.

      • blogger on January 15, 2019 at 12:52 pm
      • Reply

      Thanks for reading

  2. Nice diya. Let darkness of ignorance be cleared by light of diva.

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