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A2Z 2019 – Day 14 : ‘N’ – Networking

On the 14th day of A2Z Challenge 2019, I shall talk about a very important topic – Networking. In this post, I am going to talk about the A2Z of networking. In computer science, networking is the practice of exchanging data over a medium. The process of exchanging data between a source and a receiver is also called Data communication. The device that transmits data is known as the source and the device that receives the data is called the receiver. A data communication system has the following components:

  1. Message: This is the data or the information to be communicated. It may contain text, audio/visual or both.
  2. Sender: It is the device that generates and sends the message.
  3. Receiver: It is the device that receives the message.
  4. Medium: It is the path between the sender and the receiver.
  5. Protocol: It is the set of rules that govern the communication between the devices. Both the sender and the receiver must follow the same protocol to communicate with each other.

A2Z of Networking – Transmission Media

Transmission media is the physical path through which the message is transmitted from the sender to the receiver. There are two types of transmission media: Guided and Unguided.

Guided Media consists of:

Unguided Media consists of:

A2Z of Networking – Types of Network

A computer network is a system for communicating between two or more computers. Computer networks can be classified according to their size:

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