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A2Z 2019 – Day 11 : ‘K’ – Keyboard Shortcuts

On the 11th day of A2Z Challenge 2019, I shall share some A2Z keyboard shortcuts that will make your life easier. I hope these tips and tricks will take your typing experience to a new level. These keyboard shortcuts will help you to navigate quickly. This will increase your productivity and concentration.

A2Z Keyboard shortcuts: MS Word

In this section of the post, I shall share a few important keyboard shortcut for MS Word.

Ctrl + A Select all contents in the document
Ctrl + B Bold the text
Ctrl + C Copies the selected content
Ctrl + D Opens the font dialog box
Ctrl + E Center Alignment
Ctrl + F Opens Find dialog box
Ctrl + G Opens Goto dialog box
Ctrl + H Opens Replace dialog box
Ctrl + I Italicize Text
Ctrl + J Justified Alignment
Ctrl + K Creates Hyperlink
Ctrl + L Left Alignment
Ctrl + M Indent a paragraph from left
Ctrl + N Opens ‘create a new document’ dialog box
Ctrl + O Opens ‘opens an existing document’ dialog box
Ctrl + P Opens ‘Prints the document’ dialog box
Ctrl + R Right Alignment
Ctrl + S Saves a document
Ctrl + U Underlines selected text
Ctrl + V Paste the selected text
Ctrl + X Cuts the selected text
Ctrl + Y Redo the last action
Ctrl + Z Undo the last action
Ctrl + Enter Insert a page break
Ctrl + F2 Open Print View option
Ctrl + F4 Closes active window

A2Z Keyboard shortcuts: MS Excel

In this section of the post, I shall share a few important keyboard shortcut for MS Excel.

Ctrl + A Select all contents in the worksheet
Ctrl + B Bold the text
Ctrl + C Copies the selected content
Ctrl + I Italicize Text
Ctrl + K Creates Hyperlink
Ctrl + N Opens ‘Create a new workspace’ dialog box
Ctrl + O Opens ‘Opens an existing workspace’ dialog box
Ctrl + P Opens ‘Prints the workspace’ dialog box
Ctrl + S Saves the workspace
Ctrl + V Paste the selected text
Ctrl + X Cuts the selected text
Ctrl + Y Redo the last action
Ctrl + Z Undo the last action
Ctrl + 5 Applies Strikethrough Formatting
Ctrl + ; Enters the current date

There are lots more… In this post, I tried to share some important ones.

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